3. CAR T cell Network Meeting 2024

Under the BackToHealth banner, we welcomed patients with autoimmunediseases who have received CAR T cell therapy at Erlangen University Hospital to the 3rd CAR T cell network meeting.

A very touching and emotional afternoon in the orangery of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, with the growing group of patients and their stories taking centre stage.

Getting to know each other, exchanging ideas and seeing the large interdisciplinary team again created a feeling of family and togetherness. The happiness of life, health and quality of life were

Georg Schett, Andreas Mackensen, Stefan Miltenyi, Fabian Müller, Michael Aigner, Andreas Wirsching, Melanie Hagen, Ricardo Grieshaber-Bouyer, Carlo Tur, Sascha Kretschmann, Tobias Krickau, Tobias Rothe, Sandra Jeleazcov, Simone Kessler, Norwin Kandera, u.v.m

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